This phase of engagement has ended.


Thame Valley Viaduct


Thame Valley Viaduct

Thame Valley Viaduct is considered a key design element because it is close to a local residential area and the community interest around the River Thame corridor.

Key design elements are structures along the route that are recognised by HS2 to be important. This could be due to their size, their proximity to stakeholders or their location within sensitive areas.

The design for the Thame Valley Viaduct structure has been developed with consideration for the technical and structural requirements as well as the impact on their surroundings. This has involved reviews with Aylesbury Vale District Council and feedback from the HS2 Independent Design Panel.

The Thame Valley Viaduct is located within the Northern Vale. The viaduct crosses the low-lying Thame Valley, approximately 350 metres to the south-west of the Rabans Lane Industrial area on the western periphery of Aylesbury. The viaduct is partially visible from Public Rights of Way to the south-west. Other than that, the viaduct is obscured by a combination of gentle folds in the landscape and existing hedgerows and trees.

Thame Valley Viaduct design engagement, February 2020

In February 2020, we invited views and ideas on the proposed design of the Thame Valley Viaduct. All comments and suggestions made will be considered before the next design stage.

We will hold a further event to show you how we have listened to your comments and how this has influenced the final design.

Engagement and Initial Design

Through our programme of local engagement, and meetings with residents, we understand some of the local concerns. We will use this understanding to take reasonable steps to address the issues you raised and continually look to lessen the impact of the project. It is our intention to inform, involve and respond to you during the design period.

As a key design element, this structure is also subject to review by the independent HS2 Design Panel of architects, engineers and landscape architects. Their role is to act as a critical friend to ensure the designs meet the aspirations of the HS2 Design Vision. We will continue to engage with the panel during the development of our designs.

Useful links
  • Thame Valley Viaduct Information Boards, February 2020
  • Thame Valley Viaduct Information Booklet, February 2020
  • This engagement phase has finished

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